Core Fatloss Circuit Workout

by Monica

The core fatloss workout includes killer ab exercises you've probably never seen before. It took me months to progress to the spinal rock to crow prep but all the practice has been paying off. My spine feels more fluid and I have a ton more core stability and can almost hold the crow portion of the exercise.

This workout is part of the Xtreme Fat Loss Bodyweight Workout and I did add the video on that page too but thought I would include a separate post for those who need a bit more guidance with these core exercises.

Core Fatloss Workout Instructions - Perform each core exercise for 45 sec. going from one exercise to the next without rest. After one round repeat again. Try 3 rounds if you're advanced.

Lower body rotations - Also called lower body russian twists. The bent leg version is for beg/int straight leg version is for int/adv. Draw the belly button towards the spine as you roll from side to side and keep shoulders and head down at all times. If you are sliding forward on your mat or floor then you are not using your core and really need to focus on contracting those deep abdominal muscles as you move from side to side. Slow it down until you get stronger. You should be in the same spot when you finish. Scooting down = zero ab work.

Spinal rock to crow prep - This exercise requires a lot of hip flexibility and spinal flexion (not good for people with serious low back issues). It also requires that you use proper breathing techniques. If you need to learn the basics watch the spinal rock your ab workouts series for tipe.

Forearm pike to alternating forearm balance prep - The key with this exercise is to draw the lower abs in tight to lift the knees of the ground then squeeze the butt as you extend the leg up. This is not an upper body or leg exercise so if you feel your arms and legs doing all the work your core is doing nothing. If you're doing this right you will feel your lower abs working hard and you will sweat like crazy! If not you will start to feel really fatigued in the upper back and shoulders and you will resort to kicking the leg up instead of extending it up from the core.

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