3 Quick & Simple Workout Tips to Burn Belly Fat Faster

The burn belly fat guide is the best ab fat loss solution for every day people who don't have time for complicated diets, time consuming exercise plans, or expensive supplements that don't work anyway.

If you are tired of ab workouts and cardio workouts that don't get you the results you deserve then these top 3 ab fat loss tips can help you start getting results fast.

Burn Belly Fat Tip #1: Focus on Ab Workouts & Ab Exercises that Burn Fat

Turbulence Training for Fatloss creator Craig Ballantyne explains that each workout you spend crunching, takes time away from more effective fat loss methods  such as interval training.

Craig's burn belly fat solution: "focus on exercises that sculpt lean abs AND burn a lot of fat and calories at the same time.

For example, Mountain Climbers, the Spiderman Lunge/Climb, and the Stability Ball Jackknife (all featured in the video).

These exercises use far more muscle mass than a traditional crunch which makes them more metabolic. 

And as you know metabolic conditioning is what boost fat burning and and calorie burning during AND after the workout."

Check out our Metabolic Training article to learn more about metabolic exercises and eating for increased fatloss.

Burn Belly Fat Tip #2: Focus More on Fullbody Workouts

Truth About Abs expert Mike Geary, believes that if you don't follow this key tip you will be "doomed to a flabby stomach forever!

The biggest mistake people make is wasting WAY too much of time training their abs directly... pumping away with all kinds of different ab exercises.

The person is trying so hard to get those abs to show, that they're spending almost all of their time in the gym with hundreds of reps of various crunches, leg raises, twisting exercises, etc.

Meanwhile, all of that wasted time directly training the abs could have been better spent on a properly designed full body workout program that would boost fat burning hormones and cause the body to burn fat faster."

Mike's burn belly fat solution: "If you want your workouts to stimulate abdominal fat loss for those flat sexy abs, you need a properly designed full body resistance training workout (like the one in the video) that stimulates your metabolic rate and increases your production of fat burning hormones."

Burn Belly Fat Tip #3: Add High Intensity Intervals To All Workouts

Any fatloss expert worth listening to will tell you that the best way to get your body to start burning more fat is to switch from regular old cardio to fat blasting interval cardio, also known as high intensity interval training.

It's been shown to burn 9 times more fat than steady state, it saves time, and is less boring so you are more likely to stick to it long term.

Monica's Belly Fat Solution Add cardio intervals to ALL your workouts! You can do cardio intervals as a warm-up, as part of your circuits, and definitely during bootcamp workouts.

My favorite type of intervals (you'll see these a lot in all the free workouts here) is the Tabata protocol. You can do these with virtually any exercise, during any workouts and this turns any workout in the most effective fatloss workout ever. Watch the workout video above to see how.

More Burn Belly Fat Tips, Workouts & Diets

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