7 Ways to Earn More Personal Trainer Income

How do you earn more personal trainer income when you only have so many hours a day to train clients?

The #1 easy way is to charge more per hour which is easy to do if you get a specialty certification, like mine and acquire skills that allow you to charge double or triple the going rate in your city.

Other trainers in your gym will hate you but you won't care when you're working half the hours and making 3 times more than they do. They could do it too if they wanted which would actually boost your business so be sure to share your secret with them.

You can also start running boot camps and/or group fitness classes but lots of other trainers in your town do this so you're going to have to market like crazy and if that's not a headache you wish to deal with then don't worry, below are 6 more ways to increase your personal trainer income without having to train more clients.

More Personal Trainer Income Idea #2: Create A Digital Product

One of the best ways to make more personal training income is to create a digital product like an ebook or set of audios or videos. Creating a product that people can buy online and download to their computer is simple but it does involve a lot of networking and marketing skills. Some great example of this are:

Carb Rotation Diet by Jayson Hunter

Fitter U by Yuri Elkaim

Muscle Gaining Secrets by Jayson Ferrugia

Truth About Abs by Mike Geary

Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne

For a very long time this was a male dominated business but these days there are plenty of women creating digital products too including:

Female Fatloss Over 40 by Shawna Kaminski

The Diet Solution Program by Isabel De Los Rios

Tone It Up Diet by Karena and Katrina

There are many others too! The best part about a digital product is that it is a residual income stream that you only have to create once but it keeps paying you for life.

My ebook Your Best Female Figure Plan is another example of this and proof that anybody can do this. All you need to do is find a fitness niche and then design workouts and write a guide for those workouts that cater to that niche.

More Personal Trainer Income Idea #3: Run A Fitness Niche Website

Web developers have made it incredibly easy for non-programmers to create niche fitness sites that can earn you a full time income. The best part about running a fitness site is that you don't need to have your own product or offer a service if you don't want to (watch the video below to learn more).

All you have to do is provide useful information on a profitable fitness niche and do it in a way that attracts tons of visitors each month. Of all 7 ways to make more personal training this is the most simple. It's what I do here at Free Workouts Guide and at my other site Best Female Figure but here's a few examples of other trainers and fitness experts who run great fitness sites too:

All About Abs by Charles Inniss

Busy Womens Fitness by Cindy Brotherston

Exercise Equipment Review by Chad Davies

Flat Stomach Exercises by Lisa Irby

Starting A Personal Training Business by Katie Donnelly

Sports Fitness Advisor by Phil Davies

The best part about starting your own niche website is that once you build your first site you can run multiple sites on other niches that interest you and double or triple your income. Maintaining several sites is simple and you can do it while training clients full time or part time.

More Personal Trainer Income Idea #4: Invent A Piece of Fitness Gear

Personal trainers are often the best inventors of practical fitness gear. They simply think of something that's missing in their bag of tricks and then invent it. Some great examples of this include:

Bosu by David Weck

Jungle Gym by Bobby and Jon Hinds

Lebert Bars by Marc Lebert

Valslides by Valerie Waters

TRX by Randy Hetrick

Ugi Ball by Sara Shears

You may think that every single piece of fitness gear has been invented but the truth is that new fitness equipment or new and improved versions of older fitness equipment are created each year so why not come up with something yourself.

More Personal Trainer Income Idea #5: Start A Membership Site

Starting a membership site is a bit more complicated and time consuming than a regular niche fitness site but the payoff is worth it which is why many of the top fitness experts who have ebooks and products get into this business. Some examples of this include:

Jillian Michaels by Waterfront Media

Burn The Fat Inner Circle by Tom Venuto

Fitness for Golf by Susan Hill

Fast Track to Fatloss by Kim Lyons

Red Carpet Ready Club by Valerie Waters

Many trainers who have digital products create membership sites to provide additional coaching but plenty of fitness experts who don't offer a product or service do it too.

More Personal Trainer Income Idea #6: Teach Continuing Education Courses

Helping trainers improve their skills is big business these days and if you're good at teaching or researching and creating course material then you can either work as a part time instructor for various fitness organizations or you can develop your own courses and submit them to CEU providers. Some amazing examples of fitness trainers who took this to another level include:

Paul Chek - C.H.E.K. Institute

Linda Christy Weiler - Academy of Holistic Fitness

Douglas Brooks - Moves International Fitness

Todd Durkin - Todd Durkin Enterprises

JC Santana - Institute of Human Performance

John Spencer Ellis - NESTA

More Personal Trainer Income Idea #7: Write A Fitness Book

Thousands of fitness experts get published every year and you could be next if you have a good idea and know the right people. You can also self publish using Lulu or Kindle or Amazon. It's actually very easy to do. Some of the most famous fitness experts who have been published include:

Bill Phillips - Body for Life (and various other titles)

Tom Venuto - The Body Fat Solution

Paul Chek - How to Eat Move & Be Healthy

Jay Blahnik - Full-Body Flexibility

Brad Schoenfeld - Women's Home Workout Bible

Sarah Lurie - Kettlebells for Dummies

Tina Vindum - Outdoor Fitness

If you love to write and you have a unique point of view on a new fitness trend you could also publish on your own site and then attract a book publisher to your site. That's what Mark Sisson author of The Primal Blueprint did and it's what many aspiring writers these days do.

The Reality of Earning More Personal Trainer Income

There are many ways you can earn more personal trainer income but one question you must ask yourself before you get started with anything is what exactly would you enjoy doing and how many hours a week do you want to spend doing it.

There are tons of fitness marketing gurus right now making all kinds of outrageous claims about "how to make a six figure income the easy way" but let's get real. Building a profitable fitness business takes work, time, skills, desire, and all the right tools.

Personal training has become one of the fastest growing careers (according to Smart Money) so the market is flooded with trainers and has become incredibly competitive, especially if you're a boot camp trainer or an online fitness marketer.

It's totally possible to make a six figure income from personal training or boot camps or with fitness products and online fitness marketing but don't be fooled by gurus who tell you it's easy and that it doesn't take a lot of time. It takes up a lot of your time and requires creativity and learning new business and computer skills. It's simple but not easy.

Fitness has become too competitive for anybody to earn more personal trainer income the easy way but it can be simple and fun if you choose something that you have a passion for such as writing or teaching or product creation.