Fatloss Cardio Workout Burns Tons of Fat & Calories with Intense Intervals

The fatloss cardio workout on the elliptical is a great way to burn fat and calories. It can be used on any cardio machine or walking and running.

Set your setting to manual and your incline to 5 or 7 but not higher than that. Start with a 7 minute moderate paced warm-up at an easy resistance about 4 to 5 for most or 2-3 for beginners. As soon as your warm-up is done alternate between super fast intervals at a harder resistance of about 7-10 (depending on your cardio capacity) and moderate paced intervals at a lower resistance of about 5-6 (examples below).

Your fatloss cardio intervals last about 10 minutes. Your first two sets of intervals have longer recovery periods and your last two sets of intervals have less recovery time so be sure to look at the times. After your intervals cool down with 3 minutes of moderate to easy work. Finish up with the two stretches and you're done.

Place your feet on the foot plates and grab the arm handles.
Set your resistance so that it is challenging and start the elliptical motion by pulling machine arm with one arm and push the other machine arm.
Pick a pace that will elevate your heart rate yet let you stay on the machine for a while.

Fatloss cardio workout tip:
Work hard during fast intervals. Heart rate should be at 80-90% of max.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 4-5 moderate 7 minutes
2 8 super fast 1 minute
3 5 moderate 1 minute
4 8 super fast 1 minute
5 5 moderate 1 minute
Place your feet on the foot plates and grab the arm handles.
Set your resistance so that it is challenging and start the elliptical motion by pulling machine arm with one arm and push the other machine arm.
Pick a pace that will elevate your heart rate yet let you stay on the machine for a while.

Fatloss cardio workout tip:
Take your heart rate down to 65-75% of max during recovery intervals so you can handle your remaining intervals.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 8 super fast 1 minute
2 5 moderate 1 minute
3 8 super fast 1 minute
4 5 moderate 1 minute
5 3 moderate to easy 3 minutes
Standing quad stretch
1. Standing with a shoulder width stance and hang onto an object for support.
2. Bring one foot up and grab with your hand.
3. Pull your foot up until you feel a stretch on the front of your thigh.
4. Hold for the prescribed time and repeat with the other leg.

Fatloss cardio workout tip:
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
Standing Straddle Low Back/Hamstrings
1. Start by standing with your feet spread as far apart as possible.
2. Lean forward and try placing your hands on the ground below or until a comfortable stretch in your low back and hamstrings.
3. Hold for the prescribed time and then repeat.

Fatloss cardio workout tip:
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time

Burn more fat in less time with High Intensity Interval Training workouts and tips.