Kick Butt Hybrid Bootcamp Exercises Workout

by Monica

My last travel workout includes just 2 hybrid bootcamp exercises that blast fat and strengthen/tone your entire body. You can do this workout anywhere. I happen to be doing it in my hotel room before I head out for the day but you can do this at home, at the park, at the gym, on the beach, etc. An example of how you don't need any equipment or much time to burn fat and stay fit.

Warm-Up - Do any type of mobility circuit for at least 4 minutes. This will boost endurance, improve performance, boost fatloss, and prevent injuries. Trust me when I say if you don't do this you will regret it later!

Hybrid Boot Camp Exercises Tabatas - Perform each exercise below using the tabata protocol. That's 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Each exercise will take you 4 minutes. If you want to work extra hard try an extra 8 rounds alternating between both exercises (adding another tabata = 12 min workout).

Squat thrust + swinging plank + jump squat 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest
Repeat 8 times (takes 4 min.)

Incline pushup + Bulgarian split squat + hop 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest (work on one leg at a time)
Repeat 8 times (takes 4 min.)

Workout Tip: If you have trouble combining the exercises then just split them up a bit like I'm doing at the end of the video until your coordination improves. Beginners try this:

2 rounds of squat thrusts
2 rounds of swinging planks
2 rounds of squat jumps
2 rounds Bulgarian split squat
2 rounds of suspended leg hops
2 rounds of inverted pushups
(only takes 6 minutes so repeat again)

Cool Down - Finish up with 4 minutes of your favorite stretches or try 3 sun salutations or flow yoga.

This entire workout only takes 16 minutes. Be sure to use a Gymboss interval timer to stay focused on the exercises and for increased fatloss. Check out more free Gymboss Workouts, videos, and tips.

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