Burn Fat Cardio Workout Burns Stubborn Fat

This killer burn fat cardio workout blasts stubborn fat from all your trouble areas with moderate cardio, high intensity cardio intervals, bodyweight cardio exercises, and challenging core exercises that scuplt sexy abs.

Start with a 5 minute walk at a moderate to fast pace. Adjust your speed so you walk faster as you warm up. Don't try to go all out at this point you are just prepping your body for the hard work ahead.

Continue with 9 minutes of intervals alternating between 2 minutes of walking followed by 1 minute of bounding. Take a 30 second break then continue with 30 seconds of each of the remaining exercises going from one to the next without rest. After you complete one big circuit take a 30 second rest then repeat 2-3 more times.


Burn fat cardio workout tip:
walk or jog
Sets RepsWeight/
1. Jog into the start of the drill for forward momentum.
2. After a few feet, forcefully push off with the left foot and bring the leg forward. At same time drive your right arm forward.
3. Repeat with other leg and arm
4. This exercise is an exaggerated running motion focusing on foot push-off and air time.

Burn fat cardio workout tip:
if you can't get the hang of bounding just try sprinting using a longer stride
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High Hang Pull to Split Lunge Finish
1. Stand and grip the sandbag on each end and hold at waist height.
2. In a thrusting motion with straight arms throw the sandbag out in front of you and up over your head.
3. During this movement bend one knee and step back into a lunge position so that the sandbag finishes above your head.
3. Hold this position until controlled. Return to the starting position and repeat for desired repetitions. Repeat with other leg.

Burn fat cardio workout tip:
this is the only exercise that requires a weight and you can use any weight including a dumbbell, medicine ball, band, sandbag, or kettlebell
Sets RepsWeight/
Wood Chop with band or cable
1. Start by standing parallel to the band or cable.
2. Hang onto the handle in front of your body but up above your head and over the shoulder. Keeping your arms semi straight rotate your body down and away from the band.
3. Keep your feet planted and twist from your trunk or core. Remember to keep your arms semi straight throughout the movement.
4. Return to the starting point and repeat according to the required repetitions.
5. Repeat with the other side.

Burn fat cardio workout tip:
step away far enough so you have a good amount of tension on the band before you twist be sure you move with control
Sets RepsWeight/
Step Jumps
1. Stand beside object to be cleared.
2. Bring knees up and jump vertically but also laterally off ground and over the barrier.
3. Land on both feet and jump the other direction over barrier.

Burn fat cardio workout tip:
you can use yoga blocks, a towel, or masking tape to jump over if you have no bench
Sets RepsWeight/
Jump Rope (backwards)
Start with the jump rope in each hand.
Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope up over your head and then towards your feet. .
Continue jumping up and down as you bring the jump rope from behind under your feet.
Continue for the prescribed number of jumps or time.

Burn fat cardio workout tip:
backward jumps are not easy so try to be patient with yourself
Sets RepsWeight/
Stair Climbing (double step)
1. Start at the bottom of the stairs and step up two steps at a time.
2. Repeat for the recommended steps or time.

Burn fat cardio workout tip:
if you don't have access to stair you can use a step or do walking lunges
Sets RepsWeight/

Learn the #1 reason why most people doing cardio struggle with stubborn fat; the calories burned during exercise trap you must overcome if you want to lose the fat and get the lean toned look.