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Interval Cardio Abs Workout for Ab Fatloss & A Strong Core

The interval cardio abs workout is a quick 15 minute workout that blasts belly fat, sculpts sexy abs, and strengthens your core while burning tons of calories.

Start with 10 minutes of interval cardio on a machine or if you don't have access to a machine then walking/running is o.k. too. As soon as you are done with your cardio intervals start your abs workout.

Perform set 1 of each exercise for the number of reps indicated. Go from one exercise to the next without resting. After you've completed one circuit rest for 20-30 seconds then repeat the entire circuit. If you have extra time try to finish up with the two easy stretches of your choice to lengthen tight muscles and prevent soreness and injuries.

Place your feet on the foot plates and grab the arm handles.
Set your resistance so that it is challenging and start the elliptical motion by pulling machine arm with one arm and push the other machine arm.
Pick a pace that will elevate your heart rate yet let you stay on the machine for a while.

Interval cardio abs workout tip:
No elliptical no problem! Treadmills, bikes, running, walking, all work with this interval cardio workout.
Sets RepsWeight/
1 moderate 3 minutes
2 high intensity 1 minute
3 moderate 2 minutes
4 high intensity 2 minutes
5 moderate 2 minutes
Kneeling Shoulder Rollout
Start on your knees and place your hands on the ball with your arms outstretched.
Rollout out the ball keeping your hips parallel with the rest of your body.
Return to the starting position by pulling your arms back up the ball until you are in an upright position.

Interval cardio abs workout tip:
If this is too tough for you try less range of motion. That means don't roll out as far until you get stronger.
Sets RepsWeight/
Actual Done
1 leg knee drive with stability ball
1. Start by placing your hands on top of a stability ball and hold yourself in a pushup position.
2. Maintaining good balance raise your left leg up towards your chest and then return your foot to the floor.
3. Repeat with the other leg.
4. Keep your abs drawn in tight and control the leg movement.

Interval cardio abs workout tip:
Keep abs contracted throughout and use the glutes to stabilize.
Sets RepsWeight/
120 total reps
220 total reps
Actual Done
Full Pike
Rollout on the ball until your shins are on the ball and you are forming a bridge.
Keeping this position roll your legs in towards your chest keeping your legs semi straight.
Your hips should be elevated towards the ceiling.
Return to the starting position and repeat.

Interval cardio abs workout tip:
Keep hands aligned under shoulders and contract lower abs as you go up.
Sets RepsWeight/
Actual Done
Jump Rope (alternating foot)
Start with the jump rope in each hand.
Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope under your feet.
Continue jumping up and down alternating your feet touching the ground as you bring the jump rope under your feet.
Continue for the prescribed number of jumps or time.

Interval cardio abs workout tip:
No jump rope? No problem! Do jumping jacks or jog in place. Your abs need a break and this is good for more fat burning so don't skip it!!
Sets RepsWeight/
Actual Done
Jump Rope (side to side)
Start with the jump rope in each hand.
Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope under your feet.
Continue jumping up and down as you bring the jump rope under your feet.
When you are jumping and the rope is above your head swing your legs out to the side and return your feet together before the rope swings under your feet again.
Continue for the prescribed number of jumps or time.

Interval cardio abs workout tip:
No jump rope? No problem! Do jumping jacks or jog in place. Your abs need a break and this is good for more fat burning so don't skip it!!
Sets RepsWeight/
Actual Done
Reverse crunch with ball
1. Lie on your back and hold a stability ball between your legs.
2. Raise your legs up off the floor and bring to a 90 degree angle to your hips.
3. Proceed to curl your hips up and backwards towards your shoulders.
4. Return to the starting position of 90 degrees at the hip and repeat.

Interval cardio abs workout tip:
This is not a leg exercise so be sure the low abs contract to initiate the movement then upper abs take over then remain engaged as you lower.
Sets RepsWeight/
Actual Done
Seated Med Ball Chest Pass
1. Start by sitting on a stability ball and maintaining your balance.
2. Hold a medicine ball at chest level and perform a chest pass to a partner.
3. Keeping your core tight set yourself to receive the pass back from your partner.
4. Maintain balance while receiving the ball and repeat again for prescribed repetitions.

Interval cardio abs workout tip:
No partner? No problem. Stand and toss ball onto couch or thick mat then reach down grab and throw again. You'll actually burn more calories without a partner but partner toss is really fun!
Sets RepsWeight/
Actual Done
Oblique Crunch with Medicine/Stability Ball
1. Sit in upright position on flexaball with feet flat on floor.
2. Walk feet forward allowing flexaball to roll underneath body until it is positioned on lower to mid-back region. Raise hips slightly to create a “table top” position parallel to floor.
3. Place hands above head holding a medicine ball. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
4. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise your right shoulder up toward ceiling and bring medicine ball towards opposite hip.
5. Return to start position and repeat with the other shoulder.
6. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.

Interval cardio abs workout tip:
Be sure you go all the way back to get full spinal extension and maximum ab contraction.
Sets RepsWeight/
Actual Done

Get firm flat abs with 5 hot abs exercises and great ab workout tips.